"Tax-Free" Life and Health Insurance Benefits Available to Business Owners
Getting Started is Easy - The Better Benefits Formula is made up of the following 4 steps:
It's About Time - It's About You™
Many business owners have built and managed their businesses for years and yet there is no plan in place for their company to provide them with a "tax-free" financial package to benefit them and their family.
We routinely hear of individuals working in the public and private sector that get generous "taxable" retirement and severance packages. For example, many teachers have over $1 million in their publicly funded retirement plan.
As business owners we don't receive such a financial package from our company's unless we establish such a package ourselves.
The big advantage as business owners is that we can use our life and health insurance benefits package to transfer money out of our company's "tax-free".
We do this for each of our clients through customizing a "tax-free" benefits package to reward themselves and to benefit their families. The components of the "tax-free" benefits package are as follows:
"Tax-Free" Life Insurance Coverage with Fully Guaranteed Cash Values for Living Benefits
Life insurance is a powerful financial tool for business owners to provide for their family if tragedy strikes and they are no longer there to run their business enterprise in order to provide financially for their family.
Life insurance makes business lines of credit, vehicle and equipment leases, and mortgages disappear. Life insurance eliminates estate taxes and provides the business owners surviving family with the ability to realize the full financial value of the business so that they can have lifetime financial security.
What does the business owner get in return? Peace of mind in knowing that every day they live they have provided financially for the future of their family in they unexpectedly pass before reaching old age.
They get the pride of knowing that they will never be seen as having left their family with a financial mess but will instead will be remembered for the foresight of planning and providing for their family to be left with a financial legacy to benefit them.
Every business owner deserves to have at least $1,000,000 of life insurance coverage provided to them by their company (coverage can be selected up to $10,000,000).
When we set up this company benefit for business owners we show them how to obtain life insurance coverage that never expires and that has a guaranteed fixed rate payable for a guaranteed fixed period.
20 years at which time their coverage is paid up and continues for the rest of their life so that there is a guaranteed payout of the benefit.
For example, if you were to select a life insurance benefit amount such as $2,000,000, you would have a fixed guaranteed rate payable for a maximum of 20 years. If you were to pass prior to 20 years the $2,000,000 life insurance benefit would be paid out "tax free" to your chosen beneficiary and no further payments would be required.
After 20 years your company would be finished paying for the benefit with no further payments required while the $2,000,000 "tax-free" life insurance benefit would continue for the rest of your life.
If you reach age 100 and are still living the $2,000,000 life insurance benefit would be paid out to you at that time. Ultimately there is a guaranteed payout of the $2,000,000 life insurance benefit.
If you decide for some reason that after 20 years (when no further payments are required) you no longer want the life insurance benefit any longer, then you can discontinue the benefit and receive back 100% of the amount of premiums paid.
"Tax-Free" Critical Illness Insurance Coverage with 100% Guaranteed Return of Premiums
Critical Illness insurance coverage pays a "tax-free" lump sum benefit such as $1,000,000 in the event you have a covered condition such as cancer, heart attack, stroke or numerous other serious health conditions.
We set this benefit up so that if you do not have a claim you will receive a 100% refund of your premiums at a set point in time. In other words, if for example you have $500,000 of critical illness coverage, you will either have a covered critical illness and collect $500,000 or you will not have a critical illness and will receive a 100% refund of your premiums.
"Tax-Free" Medical Access Insurance Coverage
According to the Fraser Institute, wait times for medical services have been excessive for years with the average wait time to see a specialist now exceeding 6 months.
Medical Access Insurance covers you or a covered family member if either of you are referred by a doctor for a covered diagnostic test, specialist consultation or surgical procedure and you are advised that our Provincial Health Care System will not be able to provide the treatment required within 45 days.
When this happens, under your Medical Access coverage the health care treatment you require will be provided within 21 days (where possible) at a world-class medical facilities such as Cambie Surgery Centre in Vancouver, BC and the Mayo Clinics in the United States,
Your Medical Access Insurance covers you and your covered family members for up to $1,000,000 each "tax-free" for covered health care treatment with no deductibles or co-payments.
Scheduling and coordination of medical appointments for you and your family members are arranged by the plan administrator MSH International from their regional office in Calgary, Alberta.
MSH International also arranges for the transfer of medical records, booking of specialists and facilities and all corresponding payments. You do not have to pay for medical services and seek reimbursement.
Additionally, any costs that you incur for covered travel expenses including companion travel expenses will be reimbursed to you.
You Deserve to be Rewarded.
As the owner and leader of your company you deserve to be rewarded by your company with life and health insurance benefits.
As indicated, the big advantage as a business owner is that you can use your life and health insurance benefits package to transfer money out of your company "tax-free".
I am here to help you realize the significant tax advantages that are available to you as a business owner. If you would like me to help you or if you have any questions just you can reach me directly at george@accessbenefits.ca and on my cell at (403) 540-4644. I would welcome the opportunity to help you.
George Goulet
President – United Advisors